HU ISSN 3004-006X

Mikochips | Archives

Volume 2 - 2024 - Issue 1

1. The first documented data of Pluteus necopinatus (Pluteaceae) in Hungary
Authors: György Vrba, Katalin Császárné Erdélyi, Dorottya Vrba
Published: 28 February 2024
MikoChips 2(1), 1–6

2. The first documented data of Gymnopilus dilepis (currently described as part of Hymenogastraceae) in Hungary
Authors: György Vrba, Anasztázia Beatrix Baróti, Dorottya Vrba, Attila Nagy
Published: 15 May 2024
MikoChips 2(1), 7–12

3. The first documented data of Paralepistopsis amoenolens (Agaricales) in Hungary
Authors: Attila Czeglédi, Dorottya Vrba, György Vrba
Published: 1 July 2024
MikoChips 2(1), 13–17

2023 | Design by György Vrba