1. The monitoring and documentation of a certain habitat of Tricholoma cingulatum (Tricholomataceae)
Authors: János Molnár, Dorottya Vrba, György Vrba
Published: 12 July 2024
Our present publication is about the species-level molecular determination of the Tricholoma cingulatum taxon, as well
as the two-year monitoring of its habitat.
2. The first Hungarian documentation of the pink variant of Entoloma pseudoturci, from the Cyanula (Entolomataceae) subgenus
Authors: György Vrba, Dorottya Vrba
Published: 22 July 2024
Our present publication is about the determination of the pink Entoloma mushroom fruiting bodies (Figure 1) at species level which
were collected on the occasion of a mushroom inspector fieldwork day, held on the 30th of September, 2023.
3. The first molecular-based identification of Chlorociboria aeruginosa (Ascomycota, Helotiales) from Hungary
Authors: György Vrba, Erika Szajkó-Petykó, Attila Szajkó, Dorottya Vrba, Bálint Dima
Published: 25 October 2024
The present work discusses the occurrence of Chlorociboria aeruginosa in Hungary which was initially identified based on
macromorphological features. Our molecular genetic study confirmed the identification using nrDNA ITS sequence data and
maximum likelihood (raxmlGUI, PhyML) phylogenetic analyses.