Issue 1
1. The first documented data of Pluteus necopinatus (Pluteaceae) in Hungary
Gy. Vrba, K. Császárné Erdélyi, D. Vrba
MikoChips 2(1), 1–6
2. The first documented data of Gymnopilus dilepis (currently described as part of Hymenogastraceae) in Hungary
Gy. Vrba, A. B. Baróti, D. Vrba, A. Nagy
MikoChips 2(1), 7–12
3. The first documented data of Paralepistopsis amoenolens (Agaricales) in Hungary
A. Czeglédi, D. Vrba, Gy. Vrba
MikoChips 2(1), 13–17
Issue 2
1. The monitoring and documentation of a certain habitat of Tricholoma cingulatum (Tricholomataceae)
J. Molnár, D. Vrba, Gy. Vrba
MikoChips 2(2), 1–6
2. The first Hungarian documentation of the pink variant of Entoloma pseudoturci, from the Cyanula (Entolomataceae) subgenus
Gy. Vrba, D. Vrba
MikoChips 2(2), 7–12
3. The first molecular-based identification of Chlorociboria aeruginosa (Ascomycota, Helotiales) from Hungary
Gy. Vrba, E. Szajkó-Petykó, A. Szajkó, D. Vrba, B. Dima
MikoChips 2(2), 13–17